The 2nd Jim O'Connor Memorial Castle to Castle swim is a 13.5 km swim from Rindoon Castle on Lough Ree in Co.Roscommon to Athlone Castle in Co.Westmeath in aid of Pieta.
It will be open to 30 solo swimmers. These solo swimmers will be guided and supported by people like you in kayaks.
The kayaker is an important part of the solo swim team and is responsible for navigation for the swimmer and for carrying and providing both food and drinks as required by the swimmer during the swim along with moral support.
You are over 18
You can roll your kayak
You are happy to paddle your kayak for 3 - 5 hrs
You have access to a comfy sit in kayak
You can easily paddle 13.5km
Ideally you would be a Level 3 kayaker or equivalent
Once you have registered you will be contacted by Alex Dawson-Stanley who is coordinating the kayak support for the event. There will also be a comprehensive safety and support briefing on the day along with pre event information to ensure you are fully prepared and have everything you need.
The event for the kayakers will start early in the morning to get gear and equipment to the starting point and ensure that your vehicle is at the finish point.
You need to be comfortable committing to being available for the entire day.
More details will be provided once you sign up.
You will need an enclosed kayak and all associated gear with food and drink to last you for the event period approx 3 - 6hrs.
A whistle
A mobile phone with dry pouch if required
Once people have been signed up we will be allocating them to a swimmer and making introductions prior to the event so that you can have a call and get to know what the swimmer will need you to carry for them. You will also have the opportunity to help them with the fundraising to raise even more for Pieta house if you want to get that involved
You can contact Alex Dawson-Stanley if you have any questions. You can reach him on 086 2721245
We will have this info soon however you can expect to need to be in Athlone for approx 7.30am. Shuttle will be provided to get you to the starting point and to ensure your clothes and car are at the end point
You will get a sense of great achievement for helping make a great charity event a success!
All funds raised will go to Pieta and everyone is giving their time free of charge.
There will however be some goodies and a BBQ at the end for all volunteers and participants.
Yes please!
If you have a friend who would like to do it with you and support a solo swimmer please have them sign up.
Sea kayaks would be ideal for comfort and being able to carry supplies. Longer general purpose kayaks also would be suitable. Anything over 3m would be ideal, but nothing shorter than 2.3m
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